Reject the basic assumptions of civilization—especially the importance of material possessions. –Tyler Durden, Fight Club I’m sure you’ve all seen the movie, at least I hope. If you haven’t read the book, I highly suggest it. I’ve read it a few times, along with millions of others. You won’t be disappointed. Growing up I didn’t …
Ditch the “Nice Guy Persona” and Make Real Connections!
Growing up I had always been referred to as the nicest kid you’ll ever meet. Now, I would have much rather had that title than something like oh, Jimmy…he’s a little asshole I wouldn’t trust him with ____.” Being a genuinely nice person is a quality that should be highlighted in nearly every situation or circumstance. The problem …
How to Get a Hooker to Dance on Your Car
…In broad daylight. It was the summer after I got my drivers license, and my first car. The symbol of Freedom for an American teenager. It was a humble get-up. A red 1999 Kia Sportage. It had the usual inoperable combinations of many of the first cars out there. Driver’s door worked fully, passenger door only opened …
A .22 caliber rifle, a drunk cousin, and myself at Midnight…
The summer after I got my license, the same summer I had my window inexplicably shattered while driving, I lived with my older cousin. His dad, my uncle, worked driving truck and he spent months on the road so we had free reign of the trailer they lived in. Z (we will call him), my …
Reevaluating My Sense of Self
If you’ve ever been in a toxic relationship for an extended period of time, then you know where I’m coming from. It’s like going through a tunnel. The beginning is full of working lights, clean air, and the end looks close and bright as can be. As you walk through, however, the lights begin to …